Monday 22 September 2014

Work for Week 22/9 - pinning concept down

As per our lesson today - the overriding objective this week is to decide WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO FOR OUR VIDEO! In other words, start mapping out the concept to the lyrics.  The processes that you will carry out to help with these creative decisions are:

1. edit and review Brighton footage  and video diaries of who did what on the shoot.  Reflect - how has this process moved your ideas forward? - due FRIDAY 26th 3.35pm

2. Video analysis - review progress so far with KJ on Tuesday - reflect on how well you are using theory and finish off the final video analysis - due FRIDAY 26th 3.35pm

3. Technical analysis - map ideas to the lyrics ready for Thursday's lesson so you can make a focused decision about the kind of sequences that as a group would be useful to analyse to support your own concept.  Final analysis due on blog MONDAY 29th 3.35pm

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